Operation Ivy Mike
A series of experiments carried out by the United States in order to test nuclear explosives was known as Operation Ivy. These took place in 1952 in Eniwetok Atoll, which is located in the Pacific Proving Ground on the Marshall Islands and is home to the United States Navy. When the first shot was fired, it was dubbed ‘Mike,’ and it was the first successful test of a thermonuclear weapon, more generally known as the hydrogen bomb, while utilizing the Teller-Ulam design, making it the first successful test of a thermonuclear weapon.

Operation Ivy Mike
Secret Tunnels Underground
During the Cold War, several bases were constructed throughout the United States. They were referred to as strategic strike locations, and they were constructed in the form of underground tunnels. According to the government, they are no longer in operation as of this writing. But who knows what the future holds?

Secret Tunnels Underground