Declassified United States Government Photos That Will Amaze You

Published on 12/08/2021

The First Prototype

What would happen if a plane was shot down during a battle and the pilot had to flee? The government decided to include a feature in the plane that allows the pilot’s seat to be ejected in order to save his or her life. This is a prototype of what it will look like.

The First Prototype

The First Prototype


World’s Biggest Detonated Bomb

This photograph was taken during the detonation of the Tsar Bomba in 1961. It is the largest detonated bomb ever recorded in the history of the world. Following then, numerous explosives were detonated, but none came close to hitting the target. However, for the sake of humanity, it is one record that should never be broken.

World’s Biggest Detonated Bomb

World’s Biggest Detonated Bomb