Funniest Lost & Found Signs That Would Brighten Your Day

Published on 07/20/2022

Opens What?!

You can’t see it in the photo, but the joke is that if you spot this evil dog from another dimension, you should notify the Ghostbusters. They’re the ones who take care of stuff like this, as well as enormous marshmallow men. You could always keep Vince. He has many skills, such as the ability to open portals to other realities. Who wouldn’t want a dog with such capabilities?

Opens What?!

Opens What?!


Who Would Do This?

Thieves often take items that may not seem helpful, shocking most people. But, some things are in high demand by thieves, and others are not. For example, some people may be surprised to learn that specific floppy drives are hot commodities for the criminal community. It’s hardly worth something at this point. The only way a person stealing could be considered worthwhile is if they’re just being jerks. In that case, the creator of this sign is right about what only a depraved person would do.

Who Would Do This?

Who Would Do This?