Funniest Lost & Found Signs That Would Brighten Your Day

Published on 07/20/2022

Don’t Make Them Go Back

Losing your license is the worst thing for some people since it involves going to the DMV, which is a terrible experience. If you lose your wallet, it can sometimes also mean losing various essential documents and information. It is unclear why “The maker of this placard appears to be attempting to elicit sympathy.” but it’s clear that they are hoping whoever found his wallet will have pity.

Don't Make Them Go Back

Don’t Make Them Go Back


Don’t Make Eye Contact

Not everyone loves their dogs as we do. With that being said, some people dislike certain breeds for various reasons. Some species pose serious problems, while others have no control over their behavior. When a dog owner loses their dog, they may be relieved because it’s back to normal. This sign is likely invalid because it seems they never intended to get rid of Klaus in the first place. Perhaps they may have just been being mean to him.

Don't Make Eye Contact

Don’t Make Eye Contact