Funniest Lost & Found Signs That Would Brighten Your Day

Published on 07/20/2022

An Unhappy Chicken

Most signs of this kind include a description where the animal was lost so that people can know if it’s theirs, but this sign doesn’t seem to. That’s probably because very few people have lost an animal as small as a chicken. On the other hand, would somebody try to steal a chicken that didn’t belong to them? That would be a bizarre thing to do. Still, we wouldn’t rule out the possibility of some people doing just that.

An Unhappy Chicken

An Unhappy Chicken


It Just Flew Away

If you befriend a pigeon, you’ll have your work cut out because it’s hard to tell them apart. They always look like they are on the move, and it may be challenging to find them again. A document that is full of pigeons is unlikely to succeed. A corvid would have otherwise been a great friend for this guy. They are much better at solving this problem.

It Just Flew Away

It Just Flew Away