A Separation
This Oscar winner stemmed much controversy in its time. The film was actually banned at a stage for its inclusion of Iranian politics. The story-line includes the divorce of a couple during rife times in Iran’s voting crisis back in 2011-2012. Although, the talk of the controversy is minimal the film still sparked some sort of backlash and through the midst of it all, you feel connected to these familial problems. The audience is placed in the position of the family’s children allowing you to feel very attached. It won the Oscar for Best Film In A Foreign Language in 2012, the ban has been lifted.

A Separation
Robot And Frank
This film is fun and friendly. With the protagonist’s sarcastic filled and sneaky performance as well as breathtaking imagery it is a must. The film is based on an ex-burglars caretaker who is, in fact, a robot- however, the duo manages to get up to all types of mischief together. He was gifted this caretaking robot due to his dementia but manages to stray him in a direction more than just being his caretaker. With a few plot twists, we highly recommend this one.

Robot And Frank