Get Out
This is one of the newer films on the list, but it is there with good reason. It is considered to be one of the best films of the current generation, as it plays on some horrible realities that African-Americans have faced and put people in the shoes of those who have had to live through these realities. Chris, played by actor Daniel Kaluuya, is going to visit his girlfriend’s family, but immediately after his arrival, everything seems a bit fishy to him. It started with thinking the family may be a bit racist but means well, and quickly takes a sharp turn to unveil anyone’s most horrible nightmare coming to life. This film shows realities in today’s society that many people don’t think of if they don’t have to, but now they do.

Get Out
Until sitting down to watch this film, many fans thought that the Rocky movies did not need a new addition to the group. This 2015 adaptation went on to be thought of as the best film in the bunch since its 1976 original movie. When this movie was made, Michael B. Jordan was still an upcoming actor. His character, Adonis Creed, wanted to turn to Rocky Balboa in order to prove himself. This wasn’t simply a sequel to an already-existing movie, but instead, it gave us a new character with new developments and a new storyline.
