West Side Story
Even if you aren’t a big fan of classic films, you need to make sure to see this one. The director of the film was inspired to turn the story into a movie, despite the fact that he had no experience working on a musical. Because he knew he needed help, he brought on Jerome Robbins, a musical and dance director, to help with the behind the scenes work of prepping the characters for their roles. The 1961 film was so perfectly made that viewers felt like they were taken back to 1957 in Manhattan.

West Side Story
The English Patient
This is one of those films that will reach the deepest darkest parts of your heart and pull on its strings. The English Patient is the kind of movie that can make you feel as though you can relate to the horrors of World War II, even if you weren’t even born yet. It was given 12 nominations for Academy Awards and won nine of them, and won two out of its seven Golden Globe nominations.

The English Patient