The Ideal Female Body Has Changed Throughout The Years, See How Much Have Changed

Published on 12/03/2020

Twiggy Is A Skinny Legend

As always, a particular celebrity continued to become the symbol of the ideal body type during the ’60s. In that decade, that would be none other than Lesley “Twiggy” Lawson. It probably wasn’t hard to keep her girlish figure since she started her modeling career at the tender age of 16 back in 1965.

Twiggy Is A Skinny Legend

Twiggy Is A Skinny Legend


The Disco Diva Of The ‘70s

We hope the pendulum is swinging in your favor! In the ’70s, the general public once more appreciated curves. However, it was not the same as in the ’50s. Everyone had to fit into particular trends that, for one thing, we’re a bit more out there. Allow us to remind you that there was a disco-era!

The Disco Diva Of The ‘70s

The Disco Diva Of The ‘70s