Rushing outside
She made a break for it from the shed just as her parents emerged from the house into the backyard, certain that they had heard her. “Abby? What exactly is going on here? What exactly were you doing inside of that room?Her father yelled after her in a hasty manner, “Do you mind?” as he sprinted to the door of the shed and swiftly shut it. “Do you mind?”

Rushing outside
She walked right into a nail
As Abby clutched her foot in pain, she let out a wailing howl. After seeing some blood, Abby’s mother brought her daughter back inside the house as soon as she made the discovery. She examined the incision and discovered a little nail inside of it. Because Abby wasn’t wearing any shoes, the only way she could have gotten in was by walking barefoot. Her mother confronted her father with the question, “Connor, weren’t you cleaning up the shed?!”

She walked right into a nail