Hurrying up
When Abby finally located the key, her mother presented it to her as a reward. After snatching the key from her mother, Abby made a beeline for the outdoor storage shed. Because she didn’t want to be anywhere near the shed when her father got back from work, she felt like she had no choice but to run. As soon as she heard her father’s car arrive into the driveway, she inserted the key into the lock and turned it.

Hurrying up
She froze
Emily maintained a very motionless posture. Should she go in any case, or should she remain home and keep her fingers crossed that her mother won’t say anything? She was well aware that her mother was unable to keep a secret, particularly one that she herself was ignorant of. She determined that she would go ahead and do it anyway. There was no place for her to hide from her father other than in that place, and all she could do was hope for the best.

She froze