You Will Not Believe How A Simple Bet Completely Changed The Lives Of This Couple

Published on 10/14/2020

They Made A Deal

Lexi and Danny’s friends and relatives were very supportive when they heard the couple’s New Year’s resolution. Of course, they wanted them to be the best version of themselves. So, they made a deal with them. Their challenge to Lexi and Danny was they should exercise at least five times for every 30 minutes that will pass and also to cut off their sodas and unhealthy food in a month. The couple knew they could do it as they have the self-control needed to achieve it.

They Made A Deal

They Made A Deal


Making The Change

Lexi said that she was very motivated and determined to achieve the goal she had set for the year. It was something that they have been putting on hold and aside over the years, and she knew she had to do something now. She mentioned, “We were fed up with the life that we were living and all the things that we weren’t able to do together as a couple.” Lexi also stated that she was very worried that she wouldn’t be able to have kids; that’s why she made this big decision.

Making The Change

Making The Change