Farmer Taught These Rude Tourists A Lesson When He Could No Longer Stand Their Disrespect

Published on 08/26/2020

A Single Sentence That Had A Huge Effect

When they were sitting beside each other, he put on a British accent. He looked at her and asked, “Are you going to London on business?” She seemed annoyed that he was interrupting her music. “I’m going to Tokyo,” she told him brusquely and then ignored him again. “Oh,” he replied, trying to sound puzzled. He told her, “Then you better hurry. That flight got moved to gate 53C. This is the flight to London.”

A Single Sentence That Had A Huge Effect

A Single Sentence That Had A Huge Effect


He Did Not Expect It To Work

“I didn’t predict what would happen next,” he said. His plan was to simply give her a fright and nothing more. He assumed that she was going to realize he was joking, but this was not the case. No, she got her bags and started to sprint out of there with her dog. “She was so self-involved,” he wrote, “she didn’t notice that the monitor at our gate still said ‘Tokyo’ and almost everyone at the gate was Japanese.” Surely, she was going to realize that it was a mistake and end up returning to their gate… right?

He Did Not Expect It To Work

He Did Not Expect It To Work