Farmer Taught These Rude Tourists A Lesson When He Could No Longer Stand Their Disrespect

Published on 08/26/2020

She Went On With Her Rude Behavior

In fact, he heard her even before he spotted her. In his post, Steve explained that the dog had also been barking at the people who passed them by. On top of that, the woman was still on her phone! It was not quite as bad as before because she was at least using her headphones. By the end of her call, passengers let out sighs of relief. It was short-lived, however, as she started to play music on her phone speakers!

She Went On With Her Rude Behavior

She Went On With Her Rude Behavior


He Could Not Take It Any Longer

Steve could no longer handle it. “I don’t like to throw around the word ‘sociopath,'” he said, “but I don’t know how else I could explain just how selfish and terrible of a person she was.” He also joked, “I’d bet her car was somewhere in long-term parking, parked across three spots with paint on the bumper from the child’s bike she hit without leaving a note.” However, we are sure that he was seriously frustrated.
