Farmer Taught These Rude Tourists A Lesson When He Could No Longer Stand Their Disrespect

Published on 08/26/2020

She Did Not Show Any Regret At All

The lady totally ignored the guy who brought it up with her. Steve said that once the dog was done, she simply walked away from the spot. She did not even try to clean up after her pet! A different person came up to her and asked, “You’re not going to clean that up?” People were shocked when she replied, “They have people for that.” Not a single person in the vicinity could believe her arrogance and audacity.

She Did Not Show Any Regret At All

She Did Not Show Any Regret At All


Her Basic Manners Were Nowhere To Be Found

“I have nothing against people flying with their dogs,” Steve took the time to explain. He went on, “I do it often. But it is a privilege I take seriously. My dog is well-trained and behaves better than most people.” Aside from that, LAX actually came with a pet relief area for these situations. It definitely did not help that they had been “just two gates away from where The Party Pooper let her dog go to town.”

Her Basic Manners Were Nowhere To Be Found

Her Basic Manners Were Nowhere To Be Found