Where Are The People We Got To Know Thanks To Memes?

Published on 03/11/2021

Scumbag Steve

His real name is Blake, but he used to be known by the nickname “Scumbag Steve.” The fact is that Blake took this photo as a joke while visiting his grandmother, and he had no idea it would go viral. He’s now just a regular guy trying to get by. “I’m Blake Boston from Boston, alias the OG meme Scumbag Steve, father of two boys,” his Twitter bio reads. Scumbag Steve was born on the internet, and his time has come to an end.

Scumbag Steve

Scumbag Steve



Who’s the good boy? Who among us is a happy, healthy boy?! Okay, enough with the talking to the photo as if the dog can hear, but it’s impossible not to ask this cute puppy if he’s a good boy! His name is Kabosu, and the meme is Doge. All his owner had to do was upload a funny picture to the website, and the internet took care of the rest. In the picture, he was a puppy, but now he’s a big kid!

