From Haters To Lovers
When Elvis first showed up in Vegas in 1956, he was despised by music critics. The WWII generation wasn’t prepared for the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll and his hip shaking, but he showed up anyways, in style of course. A writer of the Las Vegas Sun wrote, “As he stands up there clutching his guitar, he shakes and shivers like he is suffering from itchy underwear and hot shoes”. But things slowly changed, and the city became his home base in the early 70’s. Vegas was Elvis and he was Vegas.

From Haters To Lovers
The Million Dollar Quartet
As we previously mentioned, Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash were great friends. But did you know they were involved in The Million Dollar Quartet, an impromptu jamming session in Memphis, Tennessee? They performed at the Sun Record Studios and were joined by Jerry Lee Lewis back in 1956.

The Million Dollar Quartet