Bye Bye Beatles
Huge icons like Elvis often inspire musicians…from garage bands to groups as famous as The Beatles. When the band was just gaining popularity, they met Elvis, and received his blessings for a successful career. But things took a turn when Elvis met President Nixon, slamming The Beatles for their “wild antics” and calling them a bad influence for the youth of the world.

Bye Bye Beatles
Legendary Costume
Elvis will forever be known for his elaborate and equally glamorous costumes. The diamond-studded suits he rocked at every show are unlike anything we’ve ever seen. No artist or group have come close to meeting the King’s fashion standards. Can you believe that Elvis’ suits weighed up to 28 pounds!! Not only did he have to face the hot lights in his get-up, he also had to sing and dance around the stage! As he got older, he would finish shows, rip his outfit off and collapse into a chair, utterly exhausted.

Legendary Costume