This Baby Elephant Forged An Unlikely Bond That Will Blow You Away

Published on 05/07/2019

From Africa To America

It was in 1983 that this elephant was saved by rescuers in Africa after poachers attacked her family and rendered her an orphan. Bubbles was one of the lucky ones who found a place to call home in the United States during the poaching epidemic spanning two decades from 1970 until 1989. The Myrtle Beach Safari in South California wanted to adopt her and take her to a secure place where the elephant could live calmly and freely. Bubbles had to cross the Atlantic Ocean for this, but no one could have foreseen what was about to come for this orphaned elephant calf.

From Africa To America

From Africa To America


Growing Up In A Wildlife Park

When Bubbles arrived at the new facility in America, she was only 42 inches in height and 340 pounds in weight. This was considered to be “small and helpless for an elephant”. Away from her home and left with no biological family, her trainers were not sure how she would adjust to life in a place like the wildlife park. However, she made strides over the year and reached adulthood at 9 feet tall and 9,000 pounds. Thank god for puberty, right? Despite her huge size, Bubbles had no problems making friends with an adorable little puppy.

Growing Up In A Wildlife Park

Growing Up In A Wildlife Park