Clear Nail Polish Is Good At Repairing Windshield Cracks
We know that clear nail polish prevents a run on the pantyhose from getting bigger. Did you know that you can use the same thing for those tiny cracks in the windshield? This is a good idea if you do not want the windshield to crack all the way through! Apply nail polish as soon as you see a tiny fracture.

Clear Nail Polish Is Good At Repairing Windshield Cracks
Hand Sanitizer Can Melt Ice On The Handle
Hand sanitizer is made with alcohol, which explains why the ice melts off the car door handle after spraying it. Aside from that, you can also de-ice locks by breathing onto the handle, applying WD-40 on it, or using a lighter to warm the key. You should never have to open a freezing lock ever again!

Hand Sanitizer Can Melt Ice On The Handle