35+ Hidden Facts From The Dirty Dozen That Made The Fans Go Crazy

Published on 12/21/2021

Magical Windshields

The Dirty Dozen has a slew of continuity issues to deal with, as you can imagine. Bronson’s character, Wladislaw, can be seen behind the wheel of a Jeep with no windshields during one of the driving moments in the film. When the camera is changed from its original position on the front of the building to its original position on the side of the building, an object appears in the picture. Oops!

Magical Windshields

Magical Windshields


John Wayne Refused To Play The Lead Role

As originally planned, John Wayne would star in the film as Lieutenant Colonel Major John Reisman, who would go on to become one of the most well-known Western actors of all time. In contrast, the romance that developed between his character and a woman who was already married to a soldier was not sanctioned by the gun-toting actor. To his credit, Marvin had no such reservations and consented to take on the role without hesitation.

John Wayne Turned Down The Lead Role

John Wayne Refused To Play The Lead Role