35+ Hidden Facts From The Dirty Dozen That Made The Fans Go Crazy

Published on 12/21/2021

A Secret Code

If you were able to figure out this clever sound trick, give yourself a pat on the back. A significant amount of significance is attached to the fact that Bronson and Marvin rang the castle doorbell three times in rapid succession. A piece of music by the great German composer Ludwig van Beethoven, entitled “5th Symphony,” served as inspiration for the first four notes of this song. It is based on Beethoven’s “5th Symphony.” which was widely used as an anthem by the Allies during World War II, and it was composed in 1942. Aside from the letter “V,” which in Morse code stands for victory, the “da da da dah” sequence of the doorbell’s “da da da dah” pattern also depicts the letter “V.”

A Secret Code

A Secret Code


Aldrich Disliked England

We may safely assume that Aldrich had a negative opinion of the English production team at this point. The inability of the crew to keep up with the director’s fast-paced filming style was actually a cause of annoyance for the filmmaker. The performers from The Dirty Dozen, on the other hand, thoroughly enjoyed their stay in London and could often be found roaming the city’s streets on a regular basis.

Aldrich Disliked England

Aldrich Disliked England