The Cast Was Deemed “Too Old”
When it comes to high school movies, Hollywood is well-known for casting actors who are far too old for the roles they are supposed to be playing. This is especially true in the case of teen-oriented motion pictures. Despite popular belief, prominent roles in war films are not restricted to anyone over the age of forty, as seen by The Dirty Dozen. At the time of their casting for parts that required them to appear much younger than their actual ages, Marvin, Bronson, and the majority of their fellow military men were in their 40s.

The Cast Was Deemed “Too Old”
Aldrich Prioritized The Film’s Message
If Aldrich had listened to his critics when it came to a certain sequence, he might have received an Academy Award consideration for Best Director instead of a nomination for Best Picture. When the filmmaker was told to cut the troublesome scenario in which Brown throws hand grenades into a German bunker, he realized that doing so would considerably boost his chances of winning an Oscar in this area. As for Aldrich, he decided to ignore the request in order to make his message of “war is hell” as widespread as possible.

Aldrich Prioritized The Film’s Message