The Fascinating Life Of The Comedy Phenomenon That Is Don Knotts

Published on 11/13/2019

Best Friends

Don Knotts and the late Andy Griffith were best friends and remained life-long friends, working together a lot of times throughout their careers. The two reportedly never fought or at least never had a fight which was not easily resolved in a few minutes. This is probably why they displayed such charisma and connection on-screen every single time that they appeared together. It seemed like they were friends with everyone, and nothing could stop them.

Best Friends

Best Friends


Other Star Friends

Knotts and the late John Ritter were longtime friends but many might not know this fact. Knotts made a cameo appearance on John Ritter’s show 8 Simple Rules in 2002. The episode paid homage to two actors’ earlier television series. Another fact for you: The last Three’s Company star who worked with Ritter was Don Knotts. The two worked well together and also supposedly admired each other.

Other Star Friends

Other Star Friends