Buy: Kirkland vodka
While buying any kind of alcohol at Costco is good, you get the best deal for vodka. Costco’s house-brand vodka is good enough that some people think it might be Grey Goose undercover. There are even sites that did a taste test of Costco vodkas against some name brands, and Kirkland’s French vodka came out on top.

Buy Kirkland Vodka
Skip: Hearing aids
While hearing aids are a big expense, they might not be covered by insurance. Well, Costco sells them for cheap. Even though they have a good price, you should think twice about buying a hearing aid at Costco. People have reported that some of the branches have poor service. Not to mention, some locations might not have the correct equipment to properly adjust the hearing aid. Cheap hearing aids are definitely not worth the money if they don’t work well.

Skip Hearing Aids