The Worst And The Best Costco Deals

Published on 12/17/2019

Worst: Protein Bars

If you haven’t even tasted Costco’s signature brand protein bars, why would you want to buy 40 of them and risk not liking them? Not to mention, Costco sells their protein bars for about $1 per bar. If you buy Pure Protein bars in bulk on Amazon, you can buy them for less at just $0.90 per bar.

Protein Bars

Protein Bars


Worst: Whole Grains

Did you know that whole grains contain oils? They can be found in the grain’s bran and germ and can make them go bad quickly. The same goes for nuts and seeds. While the oils are removed during the processing of grains like white rice, they stay attached to the grain and can make them go bad.

Whole Grains

Whole Grains