Who knew there was a science behind getting the most out of your Costco membership? These members-only warehouses definitely have their perks, just go on a Saturday and check out the sheer number of customers maneuvering shopping carts filled to the brim. While the masses stocking up on cereal for the winter may think they’ve scored the best deal, that may not actually be the case. To ensure you’re getting the best bang for your buck, find out what to buy and what to steer clear of.

The Worst And The Best Costco Deals
Don’t Buy- Kirkland Laundry Detergent
Kirkland laundry detergent is a good way to save some money, but that’s about its only pro. You’ll end up using the money you saved buying new clothes since your low-quality detergent ruined your others. Not only is it bad for your favorite jeans, but it’s also caused allergies and reactions in addition to respiratory problems and asthma. If that’s not enough to deter you, it’s also terrible for the environment.

Don’t Buy- Kirkland Laundry Detergent