A Tip From God
Many questions were running on their mind like “who were those men who would give such an amount for a tip” “why would they choose the staff of Seagrape Cafè than other fancier bars in the area”. The man explained that they were a group named “Tips for Jesus” with a saying “The Lord’s work, one tip at a time” and they have a mission to do.

A Tip From God
Good Samaritans
The group of men were travelling to different cities in America and found the most hard-working restaurant – which staff would be given a huge amount of tip. They already gave a sum of $11,500 in Manhattan alone. After all the events, it was spread through social media. There were people all over America who still wanted to share their different stories like the one where the bartender got a $1,000 tip for an $85 order. Ashley had a great plan on where to allocate her tip.

Good Samaritans