Uber Technologies Inc
For the most part, we can’t fathom our lives without Uber. Users can summon a cab by pressing a button on the app. In 2009, Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp came up with the idea. So much has changed in the last several years! This multibillion-dollar corporation is now well-known both worldwide and domestically. Baidu Inc., a Chinese web corporation, invested more than $600 million in 214 to help the company expand in China. Baidu used the software to expand its own mobile payment company, thus it was a win-win situation for all parties. We’re relieved that everything worked out in the end!

Uber Technologies Inc
OmniVision Technologies Inc
OmniVision Technologies Inc. and Will Semiconductor Co. Ltd. announced their partnership a year after they were founded. By the time the issue surfaced in April of this year, they had already handled about $2.1 billion in trades. We don’t know anything about the transaction because it took place behind closed doors. While details are scarce, we do know that OmniVision began interacting with Chinese investors in 2015. Around this time, two Chinese firms joined together to buy the California-based firm for $1.9 billion. Will Semiconductor Co. Ltd., a relatively obscure Chinese company, chose to acquire it. The general public is still bewildered.

OmniVision Technologies Inc