Taylor Swift – Singer
Does Taylor look good as a man? We aren’t so convinced. Again, maybe male Taylor is a victim of poor editing, as you can see the fingernail paint and dress perhaps removing the masculine element from the transformation. He doesn’t look so bad, but the facial hair color is different to the color of his hair and the whole look just feels unnatural. Perhaps his songs would differ in style to Taylor’s however.

Taylor Swift
Tom Cruise – Actor
We find it quite humorous and ironic that the editor of this image gave Cruise the hairstyle of his former wife, Katie Holmes. Nonetheless, a female Tom with this hairstyle actually looks good! We think he should wear a wig more often! Additionally, if he was a woman his height wouldn’t be quite the issue it often has been for him! We have already had the liberty of seeing what Tom could perhaps look like as a woman thanks to his three sisters, Lee Ann, Marian and Cass Mapother. However, even though they are all beautiful women, they don’t quite resemble the edited version of Tom. Four Cruise sisters would’ve been great though!

Tom Cruise