Why Cats Play Hide and Seek
If you own a cat, you’ve probably spotted it curled up in a small hiding spot at some point. Cats frequently prefer unfamiliar confined locations, whether in a box or under the sink, to larger and more comfortable areas of the house. Cats do this because it helps them feel safe. When threatened, cats in the wild seek refuge in tiny areas such as caves. This instinct remains active even when they are tamed.

Why Cats Play Hide And Seek
Signs Your Cat is Restless
Occasionally, cats charge into the room at full speed. This is because cats have a lot of energy that needs to be expended somehow. Housebound cats do not hunt, thus they can become restless. This rapid burst of strong activity is one method for them to discharge some energy. If your cat is doing this frequently, take the opportunity to play with it more to help it expend some of its restless energy.

Signs Your Cat Is Restless