Here Are Some Cat Behaviors That Might Surprise You

Published on 11/11/2024

Why Your Cat Sleeps Curled Up

Cats enjoy sleeping significantly more than most humans do. And it turns out that their sleeping position holds more significance than just being adorable. This is why your cat prefers to sleep in the “fox position,” curled up into a ball. In the wild, foxes wrap their tails over their bodies and cover their faces to keep warm. While your cat is not a fox or a wild animal, cats use this strategy for the same reason: to preserve the heat near their bodies.

Why Your Cat Sleeps Curled Up

Why Your Cat Sleeps Curled Up


Cat Scraps

Cats, like humans, are susceptible to the occasional fit of drama. Their natural instincts dictate that territory is extremely essential to them, so when another kitty gets in their way, the only option is to attack. Sometimes it’s amusing and completely harmless—just cats sniffing around to get to know their surroundings and the other felines in their territory.

Cat Scraps

Cat Scraps