Here Are Some Cat Behaviors That Might Surprise You

Published on 11/11/2024

Why Your Cat Loves Catnip

Catnip is a leafy herb that drives cats wild. They roll around, making noises you’ve never heard before. Catnip includes nepetalactone, which explains why this happens. This is an oil that cat noses react to, causing them to experience tremendous excitement and even hallucinations. Basically, catnip makes your cat high! The effects last around ten minutes, and the plant has been known to impact large cats such as lions and tigers. If you’re having a drink or two in the evening and want your cat to join you, catnip is the closest thing to getting your feline companion intoxicated.

Why Your Cat Loves Catnip

Why Your Cat Loves Catnip


How Cats Say “I Love You”

Cats make several eye motions, leading researchers to conclude that they communicate through their peepers. If a cat stares at you, it is most likely because it is attempting to get your attention. If they gaze too long and fiercely, they may be threatening you. In this circumstance, it’s best not to look back. If cats look at you and blink slowly, they are saying they love you in their own unique cat way.

How Cats Say I Love You

How Cats Say I Love You