These Pics Show The Massive Differences Between The Two Royal Weddings Of The Past

Published on 04/16/2021

Her Clothing Isn’t Restricted Anymore

Being a royal entails a complete transformation of one’s life, which includes paying close attention to the clothes one wears. Markle had to stay away from certain colors and favor certain brands. Imagine Harry telling her she wasn’t allowed to wear something she really wanted to wear somewhere. Markle, like Diana, had moments when she defied fashion rules. Wearing trousers to special events isn’t “becoming,” but Markle did it anyway. She can now wear whatever she wants.

Her Clothing Isn’t Restricted Anymore

Her Clothing Isn’t Restricted Anymore


Another Bizarre Rule In The Royal Family

Nothing surprises us now that we’ve learned about the garlic rule, and it shouldn’t surprise you either. Another strange rule for the family’s women is that they can no longer wear cork shoes. For whatever reason, the queen does not approve of them. What’s the harm in wearing them, whether Markle liked them or not? Whatever the case may be, Markle no longer has to be concerned. She can now wear any color she wants, as well as wedges if she prefers.

Another Bizarre Rule In The Royal Family

Another Bizarre Rule In The Royal Family