These Pics Show The Massive Differences Between The Two Royal Weddings Of The Past

Published on 04/16/2021

She Could Take Pics With Fans Again

“Crown doesn’t let me.” That’s what Meghan Markle told fans when they asked her to pose for a photo. As a Hollywood star, Markle was used to taking selfies with others before becoming a royal. Now that she isn’t bound by the “Crown’s” ruling, anyone who gets the chance to photograph Markle can do so. We’re not sure if that’s something to get excited about or something to make us want to stay inside more!

She Could Take Pics With Fans Again

She Could Take Pics With Fans Again


She Can Walk Side By Side With Harry Now

Markle must always walk behind Harry, according to a “Royal Boot Camp” rule. We’re happy for Markle that she doesn’t have to follow that rule anymore, mainly since it probably dates back to a time when women had few if any rights. “In tradition, a gentleman tends to walk a few steps in front to protect the lady,” according to one explanation. That’s one less thing to be concerned about now!

She Can Walk Side By Side With Harry Now

She Can Walk Side By Side With Harry Now