When These Famous Stars Were Young They Used To Be A Cheerleader

Published on 12/15/2020

Olivia Munn

Olivia Munn and her family were stationed in Japan when her father joined the Air Force. After the couple broke up, Olivia and her mother moved to Oklahoma. Munn represented as a cheerleader for the Putnam City North High School team. She then studied journalism in college, and she found her true niche in acting.

Olivia Munn

Olivia Munn



Ciara Princess Wilson at Riverdale High School was not just another cheerleading squad. She was a captain! Ciara is still a major advocate of sport and its benefits. “Unfortunately, I couldn’t be as involved as I wanted to be because it was the year when my music started to become even more important to me,” said Ciara, explaining why as she pursued music, she had to give it up.

