25+ Baking Soda Hacks You Need To Try

Published on 11/28/2019


Heartburn, also known as acid reflux, can be extremely uncomfortable. Heartburn caused by many kinds of things, such as overeating, stress, consuming a lot of spicy foods, and eating certain kinds of fruits. The good news is we have a trick to help you combat the pain! As baking soda is an acid stabilizer, you just need to drink a glass of water with one teaspoon of baking soda, and you should feel better shortly.



Cancer Treatments

Chemotherapy is commonly used for cancer treatments, but what if there could be something that might help these chemotherapy treatments work even better? Good news- baking soda can do the trick. Baking soda has the ability to make the environment for a tumor less acidic, which helps strengthen the chemotherapy treatments.

Cancer Treatments