25+ Baking Soda Hacks You Need To Try

Published on 11/28/2019

Oil Or Grease Fire

There’s a reason why many fire extinguishers contain baking soda! Baking soda reacts with the heat that comes with a fire in order to to produce carbon dioxide, which helps to extinguish the fire. What does this mean? Baking soda can be very useful if you accidentally create a small grease fire. We don’t suggest trying this on a large fire, though. If you’re not sure, call for help!

Oil Or Grease Fire


Diaper Rash

Even though diaper rash can be unavoidable and happens to most babies at one point or another, that doesn’t make it easier for the parents to see their babies in pain. Buying a cream from the drug store can be pricey and sometimes may not work so well; try sprinkling baking soda into your baby’s bathtub. After soaking in the water for a while your baby should feel much better.

Diaper Rash