25+ Baking Soda Hacks You Need To Try

Published on 11/28/2019

Garbage Disposal Odors

When something with a horrible lingering smell gets tossed into the garbage disposal, baking soda will be there to save the day. After running hot water down the drain for one minute, pour a quarter cup of baking soda into the drain and turn the disposal on for just a few seconds. Wait 10 minutes and add one cup of vinegar. You should notice bubbles starting to develop, which means you can rinse it again with hot water. Your drain will smell like normal again.

Garbage Disposals


Whiten Your Teeth

We all love coffee or tea throughout the day, but drinking these things too often will cause them to stain your teeth. If you don’t want to give up these drinks but you also aren’t interested in spending your whole paycheck on professional teeth whitening, then we have the best solution for you! Put a quarter teaspoon on your toothbrush mixed with water and scrub away.

Whiten Your Teeth