Life With Lucy
It breaks our heart to say this, but even people like Lucille Ball make mistakes. The show was just too outdated when it comes to material. The Washington Post did not mince words and said, “Reruns of Life With Lucy may have a future as a torture device for use on captured KGB agents and drug smugglers.”

Life With Lucy
Murphy’s Law
Murphy’s Law goes like this: anything that can go wrong will go wrong. This was true for the show! Insurance fraud investigator Daedalus Patrick Murphy was the main character on the show, although he failed to win viewers over. Newsday was not kind to the show and said, “A series so monumentally meaningless, so pathetically puerile, so irredeemably ridiculous that, within my limited professional context, it prompts the Biggest Question of them all: Why is there television?” That’s got to hurt.

Murphy’s Law