These Wedding Dresses Are So Bad They Should Be Banned

Published on 06/18/2019

Beach Bride

If you and your significant other make up your mind to marry on the beach, you should be prepared for the heat! Trust us when we say it will affect your wedding if you are not prepared for it. She was trying to pick out the right wedding dress, which should be cool under the sun and good for the environment. She opted to get all the plastic spoons she could find and then turn them into a huge skirt. Even though this is not something we would personally wear, it is a great way to recycle. Is anyone ready for dessert?

Beach Bride

Beach Bride


A McDonalds Wedding

Are you really American if you are not obsessed with McDonalds? We didn’t think so. We’re lovin’ it, even though it deserves some of the criticism it gets. The three ladies here are all smiles even though they are wearing dresses out of the fast-food chain’s wrappers. Let’s just chalk it down to art.

A McDonalds Wedding

A McDonalds Wedding