These Wedding Dresses Are So Bad They Should Be Banned

Published on 06/18/2019

Give Me A Hand

If you look at this dress from a distance, you will probably think that it is made out of feathers or something similar. However, a closer look will reveal that it is much weirder than what you initially had in mind. Who would have thought that it was made from rubber gloves? It kind of makes sense when you consider how important these garments are in a household. That must have been hot to wear! Do you think the bride refused to ever wash the dishes after she slipped this one for the wedding?

Give Me A Hand

Give Me A Hand


Messy Monica

We will never be able to find out just exactly what happened before this, but there is something appealing about the blue paint. This is the first time we have heard of it as a wedding day accessory, but whatever works for her, right? She does not seem to be upset about the whole thing, so it was probably planned to a certain extent. Maybe she belatedly realized that she did not pick out “something blue” and decided to do this instead! She’s right by the ocean, so she can probably wash it off later.

Messy Monica

Messy Monica