This Father Only Wanted To Go Home With His Child But The Airline Company Doesn’t Want Them To Ride In

Published on 10/21/2020

Someone Who Could Help Them

Is it possible for this new dad to wait out the next three days until Ru-Andria was one week old? Should he have attempted his luck with some airline that did not adopt that policy? Why was his premature baby girl supposed to be taken to Ohio? He was overwhelmed and uncertain, so he wanted to look at his choices. It turned out, though, that this was not the last hurdle he had to confront!

Someone Who Could Help Them

Someone Who Could Help Them


He Was Backed Into A Corner

“Rubin narrated,” I was out of money and the hospital told me that for seven days I would not be able to get a birth certificate. “I was afraid that if security noticed me sleeping with a newborn at the airport, they would take her away from me and threaten me with negligence,” he said. I was trapped. Who would have figured it was going to get any worse than the way things were going already? In his shoes as well, we must have felt really helpless.

He Was Backed Into A Corner

He Was Backed Into A Corner