Be On The Lookout For The Following Valuable Items At The Thrift Store

Published on 02/04/2021

“Star Wars: Episode I” Storyboards

In essence, movie storyboards are just graphic layouts. They show illustrations of images and sequences to guide the rest of the filmmaking process. Everyone in the industry uses them since this is a great way to map out how the story will be told. A thrift store enthusiast found the storyboard for Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. It had around twenty images from various scenes in the movie. It is not the entire “story,” but we can’t help but admire its artistry. It does not have the artist’s name, but this is surely a “thrift shop win.” After all, it is worth anywhere from $500 to $1,000!

“Star Wars Episode I” Storyboards

“Star Wars: Episode I” Storyboards


Vintage Working Typewriter

You can find vintage typewriters that are either refurbished or in mint condition. They typically go from $200 to $800. A buyer found a mint one for only $15. This is a steal since it is actually worth $200 to $800. The typewriter looks like a ‘60s Royal Safari device because of its distinctive key shape and mid-century style. It can write in cursive and had a “Space Age” design. The Safari typically goes for $180 for a used piece in “good” condition. This one appears to be in perfect condition, so it is worth even more.

Vintage Working Typewriter

Vintage Working Typewriter