Be On The Lookout For The Following Valuable Items At The Thrift Store

Published on 02/04/2021

Flemish Art

Leroy was an older antique dealer checking out the offerings at a Goodwill store in South Carolina when he found this piece. Right away, he recognized that it was a great deal. For only $3, he brought home a Flemish painting from many centuries ago. His daughter-in-law even took it into Antiques Roadshow to see how much they could get for it. They found out that it hailed from the 1600s! In 2012, Leroy managed to auction it off for $190,000.

Flemish Art

Flemish Art


Alexander Calder Necklace

A woman found a bold gold necklace at a Philadelphia flea market. She paid $15 for what she thought was costume jewelry. Several years later, she put it on to check out the Alexander Calder exhibit at the Philadelphia Art Museum! The artist was an abstract sculptor whose works are exhibited in different parts of the world. It did not take her long before she realized just how much the pieces looked like her necklace. She then took it in for an appraisal and found out that it was worth $300,000.

Alexander Calder Necklace

Alexander Calder Necklace