Ciera Swaringen
A lot of people would agree with us that Ciera Swaringen is gorgeous. It is up to you to decide whether her killer smile or unique skin coloration makes her shine even more. She has always had congenital melanocytic nevi, which are birthmarks or moles. Usually, they are already there at the time of birth and grow bigger as the years go by. She had been bullied when she was young, but it was a good thing that her parents have always been supportive of her. In fact, her mother used angel kisses to refer to the birthmarks!

Ciera Swaringen
Elisany Silva
This Brazilian girl was only a teenager when she reached a height of 6 feet and 9 inches. It made her the tallest teenage girl on the planet back then! The photo below shows her with her fiancé, who is 5 feet and 4 inches tall. It is clear that the height difference did not come between their true love! She is an aspiring model, so we wish her the best of luck.

Elisany Silva