Mother Discovers The Baby She Put Up For Adoption Is In Tween’s Dance Class

Published on 07/07/2020

Always A Part of Our Lives

“Kalyn was a part of our lives before we met, she wasn’t there but it always felt like she was with us,” Gina clarified. It was so touching to know that Kalyn’s adoptive parents never hesitated to be open and honest with her, they felt it was also necessary for her to get to know her biological mom. Gina and Kalyn then exchanged numbers after they had that chance of meeting once the dance class ended.

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Always A Part of Our Lives


Getting To Know Each Other

It was thanks to this that the duo really got to bond and grow their relationship. Gina finally got to really know her long-lost child! “We are very fortunate it played out in this way, I’m very aware most birth moms don’t get this experience and I’m very lucky for how my story ended up, not many adoption stories work out like this” she described with so much excitement in her voice. I

Getting To Know Each Other

Getting To Know Each Other