Nadia Comăneci And Caitlyn Jenner
Both Nadia and Caitlyn Jenner took part in the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal, but the two gold medalists didn’t have the chance to meet there. Jenner said, “Gymnastics finished before Track and Field started, so I was already gone by the time she competed.” 2016 was the first time that they met and they clicked immediately.

Nadia Comăneci And Caitlyn Jenner
Nadia Comăneci And Arnold Schwarzenegger
A surprise encounter occurred at Nadia’s local gym when former California governor saw her across the room. He approached her and asked her for some training tips and later posted their picture with the caption: “It is fantastic to get to the gym early and have an Olympic champion as your trainer – thanks Nadia Comaneci! 10 reps to honor the first perfect 10 score in the Olympics.”

Nadia Comăneci And Arnold Schwarzenegger