The Most Dangerous Species On The Planet That Health Insurance Likely Doesn’t Cover

Published on 09/18/2017

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman

The Loxosceles reclusa or Sicariidae, is more commonly known as the Brown recluse. To be honest, the only thing I’d be calling if I cam across this eight-legged monster, would be “AAAAAHHHH!” This is one of only two spiders in the world that possesses necrotic venom – it kills cells in a person’s body. While its bite might not be too painful, it is deadly.

Brown Recluse Spider

Brown Recluse Spider


Not So Gentle Giant

If you’ve ever visited the zoo, you’ll be able to say that gorillas are massive. Despite looking like cuddly, leaf-chowing creatures, they are actually one of the most dangerous mammals on the planet. If you ever find yourself ripping through the jungles of central Africa, my recommendation is to steer clear of these 400-pound beasts.

Harambe, A 17 Year Old Gorilla At The Cincinnati Zoo
