Iron-Rich Foods To Incorporate Into Your Diet
We always hear about the importance of getting enough iron on a regular basis. When we don’t we develop a deficiency which is called anemia. This deficiency will cause all kinds of symptoms like fatigue, pale skin, dizziness, weakness, headaches, and cause the tongue to become inflamed at times. Iron deficiency is actually one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the United States. Don’t worry, though, it can be treated. You can either take supplements or eat more iron-rich foods on a daily basis. While there are certain foods that are known to contain high amounts of iron, like red meat and chicken or lamb liver, there are plenty of other options for those who either don’t like these foods or don’t want to eat them for any reason.
Some of the most common types of legumes are beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, and soybeans. These are all loaded with essential nutrients. Beans like black beans, navy beans, and kidney beans can easily help you raise your iron intake. In fact, half a cup – about 86-grams – of cooked black beans will give you around 1.8 grams of iron – 10% of the DV. To maximize your iron absorption, eat legumes with foods that are high in vitamin C, like tomatoes, greens, or citrus fruits.
The soy-based food is very popular now among vegetarians and in Asian countries. One half-cup (126-grams) of tofu has 3.4 mg of iron, which is 19% of the DV.
Pumpkin and Sunflower Seeds
A tasty and portable snack, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds can give you a good amount of iron. Just 1-ounce will contain 3.5 mg of iron, 14% of the DV.
Nuts, especially cashews and almonds, are a great source of iron as well as other vital minerals.
Green Veggies
Of course, green vegetables like spinach and kale have a good amount of iron. Aside from those two, broccoli and green peas are other good options as well.
This popular grain has more to offer than a lot of protein. One cup of cooked quinoa has 2.8 mg of iron, 16% of the DV. On top of that, this gran has no gluten, making it a great choice for those with celiac disease.
This type of meat is both delicious and healthy. Dark turkey meat is an especially good source of iron. A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) portion of dark turkey meat contains 1.4 mg of iron, which is 8% of the DV. Not to mention, it has a high amount of protein as well.